Friday, January 16, 2009

My little world collides.

Sitting here at our condo,....feeling VERY SHAKY. I got up early, and went to the house to do some more painting. Empty house, save for a few things,(like an office chair, a cute red foot hassock from Target-that my kitty likes to lounge on, and patio furniture.) So,...I'm there painting,....perfectly happy, kitty curled-up sleeping on one of the patio chairs after THREE bowls of tuna flakes!!!,....and I had all the windows open,....gorgeous,cool, comfortable,breezy day, radio blasting,....nice peace, and quiet,....and all of a sudden I hear, (and see out of the corner of my eye,) a car fly down our street, (we are on a U-street,).......and then two cop cars,...and two undercover cars, and a motorcycle cop, and a K-9 unit, and about THREE MORE undercover cars,...flying out of nowhere,-this happened all in about-literally-less than a minute. I immediately checked on my peanut,(kitty,) and called my next-door-neighbor to see if she was okay, and we met out in our front yards,-wondering what in the world was going on in our little neighborhood. (It really is a good neighborhood, and we kn0w all our neighbors,-even on the other side of the block!) Well,...we come to find out that a lady-neighbor came home, and walked into someone burglarizing her home, and she called 911, and ran out her back door to her next-door-neighbors,....who is four houses down from me,....and they thought the guy was still in the house,....we saw a whole SWAT team go in the front door with guns blazing. I was quite shaken, and to be honest, it brought back some not-so-good memories of 6 months ago, at our house. (The house and neighborhood I love.) All in all, this commotion going on, and finally after an hour goes by,...we all go back in our houses, and I go back in AND close the front door, and garage door,...and look in and see my kitty STILL sound asleep in a little fuzzy white ball, innocent and cute. He kinda sensed me sitting there looking at him, and woke up and looked at me as to say; ' is something wrong?', and gave me a big yawn, and stretch. I about laughed out loud, and cuddled him till he couldn't stand me anymore, and he went out to do his kitty-work of hunting, and marking all his spots,....disappearing into the back palms that he loves to lie and hunt in. Funny,....he is so unaffected. THATS what I love about animals. They are so honest, and true. Almost to a fault. I feel so torn, living at our condo, and being at the house doing the renovations. It's killing me to be like this, I'm almost making myself physically ill. So,...(my neighbor is fine by the way.) I'll be around tomorrow,-probably w/ more stories of my old self disliking rude,careless, arrogant people, and telling you about it, but right now I'm just too shaken to do anything more.

1 comment:

Sarah Elizabeth said...

Oh my goodness! How scary!!! I'm glad you and your neighbors are alright. Hopefully all of the cops scared him away for good!

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