So today I've been on eBay on and off all day, and looking at Ipads, and deciding, trying, figuring, etc. I've been weighing options, and I've come to the conclusion that I only want wifi,...and it really doesn't matter what color it is, altho I like the white better, but eventually I narrowed it down and caved,....I bought it now, a Ipad 1, wifi only, black, 16gb, for $285. Not bad, huh? I can't wait to get it. It said it was like new,...so I'll see if I even like it. For that kinda money, I don't feel so bad if it ends up being not what I wanted,....and/or, unhappy with what it's capable of doing and not doing. (Compared to paying $600 new, -or more.) THAT, I just can't justify. I also got this week,...something I've been hawking for at least a year,.....a Tiffany & Co. Portfolio, medium sized watch,...I got it for like $250,....beautiful watch,....I'm telling ya,...there are deals to be had on there. So many deals, and so little time. I should start a business with finding great designer stuff on eBay, because it's there to be had, and if you know what to look for. It really is. I still want a Kenneth Cole No Slouch bag in black,...and a Pamela Love rock ring,.....and a Gucci sterling horsebit bracelet,...and I could go on and on. All there. Just waiting to be bidded on, and lovingly bought by someone, who will wear it happily, and show it off. Anyways~ my mother is recovering nicely,...my brother has been staying there this week, and this weekend my sister and niece are staying with her.(I've been calling her every single day. I wish I could stay there to take care of her. Makes me sad, and I feel horribly guilty that I'm not.) She has a back brace on that she has to wear for almost SIX MONTHS. Six months. Good Lord,.....and the closing on her condo is going to be Jan. 26th. I'm glad about that, because the condo she's buying is on the FIRST floor, and the condo she's renting now and living in, is on the second floor. Not what she needs right now. My aunt and uncle from N.Y. are coming down to check on my mom and visit. (My mom's sister and her husband, who we all adore. They are SO FUN to be around. I think they got scared when my sister called them to tell them about her fall.) So they are coming the last week of January. (I can't wait to see them.) The weather here is nice and cool,....and I've been loving it. Going outside with Munky every night, and enjoying it. Beautiful. I love when it gets in the 40's. Love, love, love. (Who knows, maybe I will love the winters in Canada,....) I'll keep ya posted on the Ipad. We'll see about all the hoopla. If I'm loving the Ipad like I love my Iphone, I'll be one happy girl.