Saturday, December 26, 2009

Happy freakin' Christmas. I really dislike, (to put it nicely,) Christmas. The presents, the malls, THE BRATTY-ASS KIDS, AND THEIR STUPID-ASS IGNORANT SO-CALLED PARENTS, the pressures of gift-giving,......ALL OF IT. I just can't take what it has become, it's like some freak side-show of sorts. The way people act, and treat other people never ceases to amaze me. I've been yelled at, cussed at, have things thrown at me, and have been called every name you can think of when working for the liquor company that I work for, and all I'm trying to do is HELP them get what they want. Can you imagine? I mean I know there is alot of pressure around 'the season', but I could NEVER be that way to someone who is just trying to fill an order for liquor and wine for your holiday party. Horrible, horrible people they are. The whole lot of them. This is why I would love to spend time at home with my kittys and husband than being around ANY people at all, because the whole lot of them can KISS MY ASS. Yes,....I'm as hateful as ever still, and more-so around this time of year. People are idiots even more and this time of year just magnifys it,....kinda like alcohol does to some idiotic jerk,....just makes it worse. So,......happy freakin' Christmas. I hate everyone as usual. Sorry to vent, but I just had to after the last week of work,..........animals are so much better than us people. They really are, and nothing anyone can ever do or say will ever change my mind. We should be the ones becoming extinct.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I'm going to try to start over with a nap

It's my day off today, and yesterday I had off also, and I got some much needed cleaning done around the house. Everything seems better when things are neat and clean. So,...watching TV right now, and fooling around with my laptop. Sometimes these things can be such a pain. I've been going thru so much stuff I have and came across a little used computer thingy I got on eBay, (an HP Jornada,) and I did everything I could think of to get that damn thing to work. Couldn't do it. Took it to Computer Geeks thing, they couldn't do it, tried online everything, - no one can get it to work. I just don't get it. How do all these people do it, and I can't? I just downloaded my new firewall/security thing on my computer, and now I'm having all sorts of problems trying to get on the Internet and eBay,etc. I swear, I want to scream and pull the hair outta my head. How do people deal with this aggravation? Are all computers like this? or is it just mine? Because it sure seems like if anything can go wrong, it will for me! I really hate this time of year. Christmas time always makes me sad. It's not really fun anymore. The music is aggravating, the malls are a pain, and it's just plain too much pressure; the gifts, the wrapping, the time frame, all of it. NOT FUN ANYMORE. Not like Thanksgiving, where all you have to worry about is a good meal, and everyone having a space to flop. Right? I think I'm going to go back to bed, and try to start the day over on a better note. (Thats one thing that ALWAYS makes me happy,-napping.) See ya.