Well,....this Monday (which is Veteran's Day,) will be my/our 6 year WEDDING anniversary. I truthfully count since our first date as our anniversary which was 1/21/90. So yeah,...we've been together for a long time. Longer NOT married than married. So in honor of our anniversary, I'm taking three days off ; Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. And because they really need me on Weds.,- because that's when we get humongous shipments in,...I'm working on Weds. and than Thursday I'm off again because of the "closing" with "Big Ang". Whopee. I'm just damn happy we are selling that place. We made our last $512 maintenance payment a few days ago,...and god willing, we will be done with that place. I'll be so happy. One step closer to moving out of this armpit of South Florida. I'll be doing a happy-dance on Thursday. Yeay baby!!! Other stuff,.....just happy too on how the election turned out and that is all and as political as I will get. (thank you god, thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you )
So I found two turquoise bracelets on Etsy that I've fallen in love with and am making payments on to help my obsession pin from Pinterest that I'm trying to acquire. So I'll be up to three bracelets, and two rings,....so I'll need to get at least three more bracelets. I've so fallen in love with turquoise again. When I was a teenager you couldn't give that stuff away and now look. On eBay some sterling/turquoise pieces were going for thousand$. I was in shock. I'm telling you,.....if you keep your jewelry and shoes and some clothes from when you were a teenager, it all comes back in style sooner or later. (Altho the saying goes if you are old enough to have worn it the first time you are too old to where it now ,-or so I've heard.) I don't care tho. It's too pretty not to wear it now. I'm freakin' 46 not 86!!! I'm gonna wear it damn it. Anyways~the other thing is us going to see "Man with an Iron Fist" with Russell Crowe,...AND his divorce that has broken my heart. I can't even begin to think of him dating someone else other than his beloved wife Danielle. They are soooo perfect together. Why? Why? Why? But the movie I will say again was GREAT. I LOVED it. If you liked "Kill Bill" you will really enjoy it. I actually want to go see it again. Russell Crowe who plays Jack Knife,...makes me purr in this movie. You'll get it if you see it. Anyways-I'm off now to go hunt down more stuff on Etsy or eBay,...or to pin more stuff on Pinterest. I'm pathetic aren't I?
K is 21
6 years ago
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