Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy Fourth,......and can it all just stop?

OK,'s Fourth of July,....I worked late to catch up at work, my husband is at the Casino hopefully winning some money,....and now I turn on the computer when I get home to read the news, and are you kidding me? Someone else famous has died. Can it all just stop please?! Steve McNair was found shot twice in his condo in Tennessee. How god-awful can it be? I mean first Ed McMahon, then Farrah, Mr. Jackson, Billy Mayes, and now Steve McNair. It's just getting worse and worse. Please stop all this senseless stuff. Makes me wonder about people,(and how much I dislike and distrust them.) I am so lucky to come home to a beautiful home, with two great kitties, and my wonderful husband, and everything can be nice and peaceful. So lucky,~I know.So I hope ya'll's Fourth was happy and carefree, and fun,......unlike Steve McNair's. R.I.P. It just makes me so sad.

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